About Carrie


Hi! I'm Carrie, mother of boys, married to my best friend and finding great joy in creating art.

I love a good quote. Rainy days and moody lighting. I am the worst at using trite phrases and often (actually most likely) get them backwards or mixed up. I never imagined that I'd be a mom of all boys or that I'd launch a website with my artwork. How fun and amazing it is to live this life God has given!

All my life I have been an artist.

I was the little girl that had crayon-box envy in elementary school. My classmate had the fancy 96-count crayola, while mine was less than with the off-brand 24 count. Needless to say I developed a love for art supplies at a young age. My artist heart delighted in the bright colors, smells and inspiration from a fresh new box of crayons, paints or papers. This was something that brought a lot of joy. It still does! I love art stores and new supplies! They offer so much inspiration with the possibilities!

God has woven artistic fibers in me and I see the world through them. My inspiration can come from an interesting cloud, an exquisite wildflower, the lighting on a riverbed, the rim light on my son...I find inspiration all around me and I have to put it down in paints. 

The past decade while raising our boys I've been able to continue in creating art from our home and selling both online and in retail.

I had the privilege of working with a company in Marietta (Georgia) for several years that gave me the opportunity to have my work in stores across the nation. One neat experience from that was making a couple of pieces sold in Hobby Lobby. I never dreamed that my small beginnings would take my art to such a widespread reach. But it was something the Lord graciously opened doors to. Art has been something that cannot NOT be in my life and I'm grateful for it. It's been a gift to be able to continue to pick up the brush even while raising our crew of little men. 

I consider myself as a thoughtful artist and I choose to create work that has touched me personally in some way. This could be a quote, pink clouds in the sky, freckles on my boy's nose, a tiny bird at the feeder, or the way the last light catches the trees. 

I also love to be outside in the light. I am drawn to interesting lighting and one of my personal challenges in my paintings is to always let the light come out. I think this is what makes the most interesting pieces. 

Ultimately my inspiration comes from a Creator that delights in beauty! It's my heart to bring God glory and share light in all I do. 

I hope you see this in each piece I share!


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